Question 8: How would you approach the situation should we find after the next General Election that we are being courted to enter a governing coalition (you never know!)?

Candidates for Leader


I wouldn't count it out, but am not keen myself. Greens have fared badly in previous coalitions, and have lost seats in subsequent elections as a result. Green representation at parliament would have to be substantial for our policies to hold weight. Given the pressing needs of climate change, and the essential investment necessary for economic and social integrity, I would not be minded to make compromises with any political party whose only interest would be to maintain the status quo.


The term we use is that of "confidence and supply". Formal coalitions are fraught with difficulties and so an agreement to support another party on a set range of measures where we had areas of policy in common could be made and in addition later on support could be given on other matters - or not according to our own policy positions.


This would be a good problem to have. While we should approach negotiations with an open mind, the trajectory of the other parties makes coalition difficult. The Scottish Greens' approach of confidence and supply is the best practical option. This is where we don't go into coalition, don't take ministerial seats and focus on winning political demands in return for not bringing the government down on key votes. We regularly face these dilemmas when small, inexperienced council groups find themselves making these decisions with little support. I'd like to see groups get more support and guidance when making these important decisions.


No formal coalition with any party. Confidence and supply as done by Scottish Greens with the SNP from 2007 to 2011.

Candidates for Deputy


With extreme caution. The lesson from the Irish Greens (as well as the LibDems) is a sobering one. I believe it is very unlikely that a formal coalition would be in the interests of the party. Working with other parties on an issue by issue basis is likely to be much more sensible and productive.


We must not enter into any coalition. We need to make principled decisions on every bill.


Not a big fan of coalitions - we saw how Greens in both Ireland and Germany compromised too much, and in doing so left people behind. A better model for working with other parties is 'confidence and supply.' We should work with other parties when there are opportunities to pass legislation that emboldens our values but oppose legislation that is environmentally and socially destructive.


No answer supplied

Question 9