Jobs and a living wage - policies in detail

The loss of jobs that has gone with mismanagement of an unsustainable economic model is a criminal waste of talent and aspiration, and has turned life into a daily struggle for survival for millions of our fellow citizens.

As top bankers continue to pocket your money in the form of unearned bonuses, factories, firms and farms are forced to lay off more and more workers by the day, week and month.

This must end. Our major and immediate priority is the creation of an extra millionjobs and training places within a full year of operation of our major investment plan, the Green New Deal. This would address both the employment and the environmental problems.

It would consist of a package of measures, including workforce training, investment in renewables, public transport, insulation, social housing and waste management.

We would also:

Small business policies:

Green councillors earn fairer rents deal for seafront traders

After Conservative-led Brighton & Hove City Council hiked rent and other costs for many seafront businesses, members of the Seafront Business Association asked local Green Councillors for help.

Through a Freedom of Information request Green Councillors revealed a council deal with private chartered surveyors, who would receive a commission of 30 per cent on any rent increase they could negotiate with the seafront traders, on top of their fixed fee.

As a result, the assessment of the majority of seafront rents has now been handed to a new in-house team; the result should be fairer rents for traders.