Brighton and Hove Greens in council office - one year on and plans for the future

17 May 2012

On the first anniversary of the Greens' local election victory in 2011 in Brighton and Hove, the party's councillors have reflected on the first year leading the council and the plans for the future.

The Brighton and Hove Green administration's priorities for the year ahead include:

Councillor Bill Randall commented, "In an exciting and demanding year, Greens have protected services for vulnerable people, among them victims of domestic violence, homeless people and children in care.

"However we have also put the 'Open for business' sign back up on the city, bringing forward the i360 and reviving regeneration plans for Circus Street Market, Anston House and Preston Barracks.

"We've established a Brighton and Hove Living Wage and attracted extra money for transport, housing and the arts. With the East Sussex Credit Union and others, we're setting up a Community Banking Partnership.

"And we've successfully worked with the Albion, Universities and Police on joint projects in the city.

"These are just a few of the many things we've done in the past year to make Brighton & Hove a fairer and greener city."

Councillor Jason Kitcat added, "We are going to build on the superb work Bill has led this year, such as bringing more empty homes into use and delivering a living wage for council staff.

"Whilst it's a very tough time for local government, I will do everything I can to deliver on our city's great potential."



*Today's (Thursday 17 May 2012) Annual Council meeting saw a number of changes, including the present Leader Councillor Bill Randall become mayor of Brighton & Hove, and the current Cabinet Member for Finance & Central Services Councillor Jason Kitcat become Leader of the Council.

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