Greens celebrate Pride in first Member of Parliament

6 August 2010

The Green Party will celebrate their first Member of Parliament, Caroline Lucas, at tomorrow's Pride in Brighton and Hove.

The party's human rights spokesperson, Peter Tatchell, will join the Green Party's float. The theme of this year's Pride is "Pride and No Prejudice."

Caroline Lucas MP said: "It's a privilege to have been elected by the voters of Brighton Pavilion constituency in May, as the country's first Green MP. Part of my job as your MP is to fight for fairness and equality to ensure LGBT people are respected and empowered - which isn't easy anywhere - even in such an LGBT-friendly place as Brighton and Hove.

"Many who identify from the lesbian, gay, bisexual and trans communities put their faith in me in May's general election so thank you.

"I'm sorry I can't be at Pride this year, as I was last year, as I have family commitments this time, but I wish you all well on this special day of the year. Have fun and celebrate!"

Phelim Mac Cafferty, National Chair of LGBTGreens added: "We are incredibly proud of the historic achievement of the election of our first MP, Caroline Lucas, and want to thank the people of Brighton Pavilion for putting their trust in us. Caroline has already used her first weeks as an MP to speak out against prejudice and will continue to campaign for LGBT equality. While naturally, we want to emphasise a sustainable approach to Pride we also want to show our gratitude to the people of Brighton Pavilion.

"The float will be built in the form of the Houses of Parliament and has been created according to sustainable standards: all of the wood used for the creation of Parliament is sourced from sustainable sources. While the face of Big Ben will be adorned with solar panels which will power the DJ rig on board the float - using sustainable energy in exactly the way we'd like to see the actual Houses of Parliament powered. The truck will also run on a biodiesel blend. Greens demonstrate in our own small way how alternatives can be found to depleting fossil fuels, and we are confident that because the people of Brighton have elected Caroline that they will share our Pride in pushing for a sustainable future.

Mac Cafferty concluded: "Greens are proud to be once again on the streets celebrating the LGBT communities and we are looking forward to a reflective time but one where we can also enjoy Brighton's biggest, best, free event. As well as having a float on the parade, we will have a community stall in Preston Park where more information about LGBTGreens is available. On behalf of LGBTGreens, can I take this opportunity to wish everyone a safe and sustainable Pride."


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