Channel 4 short to highlight Green Party’s election agenda

25 February 2010

The Channel 4 Political Slot today (19.55, Thursday 25 February) will set out the Green Party's stall ahead of the general election.

The film, to be broadcast after the Channel 4 evening news, will feature party leader Caroline Lucas, the Green MEP for South East England.

The three-minute film, made by McDougall Craig North for Channel 4 and directed by Daisy Leitch, was filmed in Brighton, where Caroline Lucas has been tipped by bookmakers and opinion pollsters ICM and YouGov to be on course to win the Pavilion seat in the coming general election.

The film starts with Caroline Lucas asking the question: "What do you want your MP to fight for?" and surveys the responses of a number of members of the public, highlighting concerns about jobs, pensions and the NHS - and the Green Party's response in its general election campaign under the banner Fair is worth fighting for.

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