John Hayes’ condemnation of wind-farms flies in the face of public opinion

31 October 2012


THE LATEST Conservative minister’s outburst on wind farms does more than just confirm the ever-widening cracks in the Coalition; it defies public opinion.

As recently as October 23 – just eight days ago – a poll run by the ICM showed that nuclear power, coal and gas-burning were less popular with the population of the UK than wind farms.

Sixty-seven per cent of people said they would rather have wind turbines than a gas-fired power station near their home. Only 11 per cent preferred the gas burning station. Nuclear power and coal-fired stations were even less popular.

Forty nine per cent of people said they would support wind turbines being erected within two miles of their home, with 22 per cent against.

However, when asked if they would support wind turbines erected in line with Green Party policy, meaning the turbines and the power they produced would be owned by the local community, rather than a large power corporation, the number in favour leapt to 68 per cent in favour, with just seven per cent against.

The country has long had to accept that parts of the Tory Party refuse to accept the scientific evidence of man-made climate change. But serious questions must be raised when Ministers battle to force through policy even against public opinion.


For more information contact Zoe Hall on 0207 549 0315 or

Notes to Editors

  1. The ICM poll is available at:
  2. For more information on the Green Party, visit:

Spokespeople available for interview


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