LGBTIQ Greens call for full boycott of Olympic Winter Games in Russia

16 August 2013


The situation in Russia is serious and demands more than symbolic gestures of support of the LGBT people in Russia who are increasingly being abused, attacked and unable to rely on the protection of the state which has passed discriminatory laws.


LGBTIQ (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Trans, Intersex and Queer) Greens consider that accepting Russia as a valid member of the international sporting community is deeply offensive to all those who believe in equal rights for all humans.


The International Olympic Committee has made clear that it will not tolerate any symbolic ‘political’ gesture or protest either by athletes or by supporters. For LGBT athletes and supports who attend, there is - according to Russian law - a risk of abuse, harassment or deportation unless they hide their sexuality.


This is not a ‘level playing field’ on which athletes should be able to focus on their sport. Given that the venue is unlikely to be changed, LGBTIQ Greens feel that the only option is to boycott the event in every way possible.


” The UK should boycott the forthcoming winter Olympics” said Caroline Lucas Green Party MP for Brighton Pavilion, “unless the host country meets its international human rights obligations”


Countries and individuals around the world need to show Russia their disapproval: every human should be treated as an equal.


This is not a political boycott, but a boycott in support of basic human rights.







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