Green Party European Election Launch: Vote Green for the Right Kind of Change

29 April 2014

At the Green Party’s European Election Campaign and Manifesto launch this morning, leading Green politicians and MEP candidates spelled out how only the Green Party can deliver real positive change for the common good. 

At the launch, Green Party Leader Natalie Bennett highlighted to attendees how the Greens'  Manifesto provides a “roadmap for real change” and a departure from the established political order’s tired and destructive business-as-usual approach.  

“This election is about choice. Denial and despair or hope and opportunity. We can build a brighter future. We can find solutions to the challenges that we face.  

“When people hear about our policies – bringing the railways back into public hands, turning the  minimum wage into a living wage, scrapping tuition fees and insulating every home – they vote Green.  

“When they vote Green they get Green. We don’t just highlight problems, we build lasting solutions.  

At the 10.00 launch in Westminster, London, Bennett was joined by Green MEPs Keith Taylor (South-East Region) and Jean Lambert (London) and lead MEP candidates Molly Scott Cato (South-West), Rupert Read (Eastern), and Andrew Cooper (Yorks & Humber).  


Jean Lambert MEP, said: 

"These elections are of crucial importance for the future of Europe. 


"It is vital that we have Green Party representation to demand that the EU takes a bold, leadership position on climate change - and continues to fight for a cap on bankers bonuses, a 'Robin Hood' Tax, strict rules on air quality and defending our public services - particularly the NHS - from back-door privatisation."

Keith Taylor MEP, said:  

“A vote for the Green Party in these elections is a vote for an economy that works for everyone,  not just the richest. It’s a vote for jobs to build a life on, and a cap on bankers bonuses – rather than a race to bottom on wages and tax breaks for the wealthiest.  

“At this election the choice is stark. You can vote for one of the establishment parties, who offer different shades of business as usual. Or you can vote Green for the right kind of positive change. We believe that the EU can, and should, put people and the environment first.” 

View our European Mini manifesto / Full manifesto.

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