Featured Candidate: Amelia Womack

29 April 2015

In the run up to the General Election we will be giving you the opportunity to get to know some of our candidates. Our key candidates and spokespeople can be found here.

This year we will be standing in over 90% of seats in England and Wales.

Our featured candidate for Camberwell and Peckham: Amelia Womack

Amelia Womack is one of the Green Party's deputy leaders. She is originally from Newport in Wales and now lives in Lambeth in South London, where she was a European Parliament and Borough Council candidate in 2014. She holds a BSc in Environmental Biology and an MSc in Environmental Technology. She was heavily involved in the London re-elect Jean Lambert campaign and has been a Green Party activist for over eight years, working on issues such as TTIP, housing and green jobs as well as youth engagement. 

Why are you standing for the Green Party?

It's clear that people are unhappy with the status quo of UK politics, and I believe that you will never change anything unless you challenge it. The Green Party is the only party challenge business as usual politics and fighting for a fairer future through both social and environmental justice.

What are your three top priorities if elected?

Proving to young people the importance of being politically engaged. We have seen young people bear the brunt of austerity whilst their voices are currently getting underrepresented as young people tend not to vote. I see young people at the forefront of so many political movements and we need to address the issue that they are underrepresented in electoral politics.

Ensuring the NHS remains in public hands. There is no room for profit in our health service and we need to tackle this creeping privatisation.

Environmental protection – The environment is the very foundation of life. The long-term destruction that we have seen of our global environment needs to stop through tighter regulation and legislation.

What made you want to get involved in politics?

My family have always donated money to charities helping support children who live below the poverty line both in the UK and abroad. I wanted to get involved in politics when I realised that poverty, hunger and struggle are created as a result of political decision making. I may not have the money to make times easier for people today to donate to charities, but I can give my time to work towards a better future for everyone.

What's your favourite thing about your constituency?

It's diversity and real sense of community

Who is your political hero?

Rosa Parks. I often wonder if through the small action of sitting on a seat on a bus that she knew she would change the course of history! It makes me wonder how we can change the course of history through our actions.

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