Jack Monroe: Greens offer real hope for the future

6 May 2015

• New 'Green MPs pledge card' launched in Bristol.
• Jack Monroe says Green Party 'offers real hope for the future'
• Bennett and Monroe in Bristol West campaigning with Darren Hall

The leader of the Green Party, Natalie Bennett, will today pledge that her MPs will 'keep out the Tories and keep Labour in line'.

Bennett, who spoke last night at an election rally for Darren Hall, her party's candidate in Bristol West, will unveil her pledge as she talks to voters in the city today.

Bennett's party go to the polls with their highest ever poll ratings ahead of a General Election. With 62,000 members the Greens are the third largest political party in England and Wales.

Ahead of launching her party's pledge Ms Bennett said:

"In less than 24 hours people in Britain have a chance to vote for real change, and to elect more Green MPs into the House of Commons.

"Those Green MPs will do all they can to keep out the Tories, and they'd hold a Labour minority government to account on issues like austerity, climate change and investment in our health service."

The Green Party's leader will spend this morning visiting a centre which helps feed those in need in Bristol with campaigner Jack Monroe. Later she'll join Darren Hall in campaigning in Bristol West before heading back to her own constituency Holborn and St Pancras.

Ahead of the food bank visit Bennett said:

"One of The defining issue of this election is the gaping gap between rich and poor in this country. We have 147 billionaires in the same country where 1 million people need food banks to feed their families.

"Only the Greens are putting forward the bold solutions we desperately need to tackle inequality in Britain. That means a Living Wage of £10 an hour by 2020, a welfare state that truly supports people and a tax system which ensures that the richest individuals and largest corporations pay their fair share."

Jack Monroe, anti-poverty campaigner and celebrity chef, said:

"Hundreds of thousands of people in this country are struggling to get by – yet the Establishment parties are offering more austerity and more cuts to our public services.

"The Green Party is different. They want an economy that works for everyone, not just those at the top. I'm proud to be campaigning alongside Natalie Bennett and Darren Hall, because in the midst of business-as-usual politics the Greens offer real hope for the future."

Darren Hall, the Green Party's Home Affairs Spokesperson and candidate for Bristol West, said:

"Here in Bristol West the momentum is with the Green Party. We're ten times larger than in 2010 and the most recent polls show a 21% swing in our favour.

"As a Green MP I will never support another vicious Tory Government – and I'll work with other Greens to hold Labour to account."


Green Pledge Card: JPEG

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