Leading Greens welcome new members to Westminster

20 July 2016


Over 50 of the Green Party’s new members were welcomed to Westminster today (20 July) by Baroness Jenny Jones and Deputy Leaders Amelia Womack and Shahrar Ali.

Last week, the Green Party launched (1) a flat rate International Membership to encourage more migrants and EU nationals to become involved in the party. Some of these new members took part in a photo-shoot on College Green, where they shared their experiences with leading Green politicians.

The scheme, introduced in response to the result of the EU referendum and increased incidences of xenophobia and hate crime in recent weeks, allows EU nationals and all those who identify as migrants to join the party for just £10 per year.

Since the result of the EU referendum was announced police chiefs have recorded a increase in reports of hate crime. (2).


1)    https://www.greenparty.org.uk/news/2016/07/08/international-membership/

2)    https://www.theguardian.com/world/2016/jun/30/police-report-fivefold-increase-race-hate-crimes-since-brexit-result

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