Budget 2012: Green promises blown out of the window

21 March 2012

The only party that will help the UK go green is the Green Party!


Today's budget announcement from George Osborne does nothing to help the green agenda. Cameron's promise to be the greenest government ever has been shown up for what it is - a sham.  A clean energy policy is nowhere to be seen and the opportunity to promote the renewable sector has been sadly forsaken in favour of helping the rich by cutting the 50p tax rate.

Greens have shown that investment in the renewable energy sector would bring about a million jobs and importantly guarantee Britain's energy security.  Instead, the Chancellor has ensured that the UK will remain reliant on fossil fuels for years to come.

Fiscal responsibility and investment in renewable energy are not mutually exclusive. On the contrary it is vital for the UK's economy that we wean ourselves off this destructive dependence on fossil fuels, prevent ourselves being held to ransom by energy companies and instead invest in clean renewable energy for the future

Greens want a fair and sustainable economy that puts investment in clean energy, public transport, safe and warm homes, and protection for our natural environment at the heart of our policies.

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