Green councillor defends Leeds house insulation project from attack

31 January 2011

Ann Blackburn, Green Party Councillor for Leeds, has defended a scheme in Leeds which will insulate 90,000 homes for free, emphasising the many benefits it would bring. It had come under attack from ministers who accused councils of prioritising ‘pet projects' and making cuts with the intention of creating bad publicity for the government.

Ann Blackburn, the leader of the Green Group said:

‘The scheme would be an investment to create jobs and reduce fuel bills. Council officers in Kirklees calculate for every £1 that their council spent on a similar insulation scheme, a further £4 was generated in the local economy.'

She highlighted the environmental and economic benefits of the scheme, continuing:

‘The Leeds project will be the UK's biggest domestic carbon saving scheme. Between £8 and £13.5 million will be saved each year in household fuel bills.'

Ann Blackburn criticised harmful government cuts, concluding:

‘In contrast, the cuts being implemented by Leeds council are being imposed by a Tory/Lib Dem central government. We would be able to reduce emissions, and fight the recession, if central government adopted the projects in Leeds and Kirklees.'

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