Jenny Jones welcomes cross party agreement on Mayoral scrutiny

11 May 2012

Jenny Jones welcomes cross party agreement on Mayoral scrutiny


Jenny Jones has been elected as joint Deputy Chair of the Police and Crime Committee and Deputy Chair of the Health and Environment Committee.

Jenny Jones said:

"The Assembly is elected by Londoners to hold the Mayor to account and the most effective way of doing that is by including all party groups in operational arrangements while also ensuring the Mayor is fully held to account with the non-mayoral parties taking the lead.

I will be working with my colleagues to ensure that the Mayor's drive for jobs and growth creates a more equal London, that he changes his approach to make fares and rents more affordable, and that he finally takes drastic action to reduce air pollution and so improve the health of Londoners. I will be scrutinising his promises on policing to ensure that trust is restored and we get value for money.

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