
Energy production and management is one of the most important ways that the council and its residents and commerce can reduce pollution and move towards its aim of reducing greenhouse gases. We will follow an energy hierarchy that aims to improve energy efficiency and conserve energy uses, promote renewable sources of electricity and supply these where possible at a local level. To these ends we will:

  • Ensure immediately that all council controlled buildings receive their electricity from completely renewable sources
  • Ensure immediately that all council buildings produce energy audits and, from this, prioritise energy efficiency and conservation measures
  • Ensure immediately that all council run vehicles are the most energy efficient, using the greenest fuels available, and ensure all vehicles licensed by the council as taxis or other uses accord with this
  • Promote carbon neutral development through the planning system and encourage the participation of commercial interests and residents in doing likewise with existing property
  • Promote energy efficiency and conservation measures and micro-generation of renewables to all residents and commercial properties, by providing information, support and where possible funding, and support local communal schemes for these
  • Investigate the potential for the council to provide its own power and heat to its buildings through combined heat and power stations within Bath & North East Somerset, and utilise local energy sources, such as the hot water naturally found under Bath.
  • Give priority to exploring ways of making those buildings that are part of Bath’s heritage far more energy efficient without destroying their character. We recognise that this will be a challenge for many of our Georgian buildings, but do not feel that it justifies not taking the necessary action to make them suitable buildings for living in a world where greenhouse gas emissions must be drastically lowered
  • Use the Local Plan to identify locations suitable for a variety of renewable energy production schemes, including wind turbines, with the aim of ensuring that Bath & North East Somerset can become as self-reliant for renewable energy production as possible.

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