Oxford's climate activists join Green Party Campaigns Bus

29 April 2015

Local Green Party MP candidate Anne Duncan and Oxford's first Green Mayor Elise Benjaminthis evening met Oxford climate groups as the Green Party Campaign Bus arrived in town. The campaign bus, which runs on re-used chip fat, is on a ten day tour taking in Bristol, Oxford, Brighton, Reading and Cambridge to promote Green parliamentary candidates. The tour began on Tuesday in Bristol with talks by deputy Leader Amelia Womack, Green peer Jenny Jones and candidate Darren Hall. 
Oxford climate groups including Fossil Free Oxfordshire and Low Carbon hub gathered this evening to discuss local action on climate change and candidate Anne Duncan spoke at the rally about the importance of tackling climate change. 
Last year's Oxford floods brought climate change to the front of many resident's minds and led to the formation of the Oxfordshire Climate and Flooding Alliance. It also contributed to Oxford City Council becoming the first in the country to commit to divesting their money from fossil fuels. A few months later they were followed by Bristol, the European Green Capital 2015. The race is on to see which will be the first UK county to divest. Will Oxfordshire again lead the way?

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